Hiking is the best way of immersing in the surroudning nature featuring the charasteristics of arctic lakeland Kainuu area. There are several trekking destinations in the vicinity of Lentiira.

In these bogs, ponds and rivers, the Kalevalan mythical landscape comes to life. You can also pick local berries and mushrooms, as long as you happen to be there at the right time.

Hiking around Kuhmo is safe, especially when you follow the marked routes. There is typically a lot of space in our locations, and you rarely see queues anywhere, especially in nature.

Lentiira Holiday Village is ideally located at the intersection of three national parks - Hossa, Koli and Hiidenportti. With us, you can stay comfortably during congestion days without congestion.


Iso-Palonen and Maariansärkät

The Iso-Palonen Nature Reserve has easy access routes - coniferous forests, bogs and ponds - which are also suitable for the youngest members of the family. The area within the Ystävyyden Puisto has a total of 30km of marked trails that can be explored for several days. It is less than half an hour's drive from Lentiira to Iso-Palonen. The first parking space can be found about 8 km away when turning eastwards from the highway between Lentiira and Kuhmo.

Sininen polku "The blue path"

On Sininen polku you can explore the ridge landscape surrounded by ponds to listen to the knocking of darts. There are a total of 12 kilometers of routes, so the destination is well suited as a noon excursion destination. However, a couple of steep rises means that the trail is not best suited for the disabled hikers. You can get to the trail from the middle of Kekkostie, or Kuhmo - Iivantiiratie, or by driving about 5 km west of Karhuvaarantie to the Kapustavaara car park.


Canoeing in the waters of Lentiira

Lentiira's magnificent lake and river views come into life when explored from the waterside. By paddling you can easily reach the nearby Huutokallio, Selkäsaari or Vapunsaaret Islands. On a longer trip, you can head to the northern back of Lentiiranjärvi, Töhönpuro stream, or paddle on all the way to Iivantiira and Kuhmo. Along the routes you can see various waterfowl, deer, elk or other forest dwellers.

NOVELTY! Kultalähde well in the Russain border zone

Follow in the footsteps of Elias Lönnrot to the bubbling spring of the Gold Well. The Well descends from the White Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia, and, it is located in the border zone, which can only be accessed with a guide and a pre-applied zoning permit. Our partner Vienan Portti organizes guided tours to Kultalähde all year round. The starting point of the trip is Uljaskan Pirtti in Vartius village.


Hiking tips from our guests

Our guests recommend especially for birdwatchers the Tulisuo - Nahkasuo nature reserve in Hyrynsalmi. There are rarely seen unspoilt old forests in the area. Please note that Tulisuo's routes have not been maintained, so the trek will require orientation skills. Lake Syväjärvi to the southwest of Lentiira is a nice destination all year round. In addition to hiking, the area offers ice fishing and cross-country skiing opportunities. The Elimyssalo conservation area, located near the eastern border, is a key part of the Ystävyyden puisto "Friendship park" destination.

National parks Hossa, Hiidenportti and Koli day trip

Lentiira Holiday Village is located along the eastern border route, accessible from three national parks. The magnificent gorge views of Hiidenportti in Sotkamo are less than an hour’s drive away. You can reach Hossa National Park in a couple of hours as you drive north from Lentiira. The national landscape of Koli can be found a two and a half hour drive towards North Karelia, south from Lentiira.

More information about Petola and the Internet

Petola in Kuhmo town is the infromation centre for all nature destinations in Kainuu. Petola provides information on native species, such as bears, wolves, lynxes and wolverines abiding in the area, as well as the best hiking tips and maps for the hiking destinations mentioned in this text.

Retkikartta.fi is a handy, digital map tool where you can see water bodies, swamps and even smaller roads and routes in the terrain. 

Outdoor Active online information portal will show you  a selection of places to visit and be active outdoors at a glance. Type Lentiira, or, Kuhmo to find our nearest places of interest.

